Open Confirm


The Open Confirm action is a page overlay that displays critical information, blocks interaction with the page, and only closes after an action is performed. The Open Confirm action should interrupt a user flow until a specific action is taken. It is used to convey important messages that can't be ignored. Potential use cases for Confirm action are:

  • Confirming a permanent change, like deleting data

  • Relaying a vital system message like a maintenance downtime window

Though it's visually similar to an Alert Modal, a Confirm action requires the user to acknowledge the information in the dialog.

Users cannot interact with content outside an active Confirm window until the user explicitly closes it.


Please find a list of the open confirm action attributes that are available.



Text that will be displayed in the header.


Main content message for your alert box.


Appearance of the alert modal. With or without a header.


Specify a color theme for a header.

On Confirm

Ability to add a subsequent interaction when the end-user clicks the OK button.

On Confirm interaction

The On Confirm interaction enables you to define subsequent actions or interactions when the end-user clicks the "OK" button.

Practical use cases

Some practical use cases for the Open Confirm interaction with next actions after clicking "OK" include:

  1. Deleting a record: Display a confirmation message, ensuring users know the consequences before proceeding with the deletion. Upon clicking "OK," the record is removed, and a follow-up interaction or notification confirms the action's success. View the tutorial example.

  2. Submitting a form: When users submit a form, an Open Confirm action can be triggered, providing them with a final review opportunity. After clicking "OK," the form is submitted, and a success message or redirect can be initiated.

  3. Confirming a high-priority action: For actions with significant impact, such as changing user permissions or approving a substantial financial transaction, the Open Confirm interaction ensures users are fully aware of the implications. Clicking "OK" executes the action and can be followed by an audit log entry or a confirmation email to relevant stakeholders.

Type of action available

  • Flow Navigation

  • Show Toast

  • Open Flow Dialog

  • Fire Confetti

  • 🆕 Refresh Query (when using the Query Data Source)


Create an On Confirm interaction when deleting a record

In this example, we demonstrate how to use the "On Confirm interaction" to prompt end-users for confirmation before deleting a record.

  1. Create a specific flow designed to handle the deletion of the specified record.

  2. Incorporate a "Delete" row action into the Data Table, allowing users to initiate a particular record's deletion process.

  3. Configure the "On Confirm" interaction to request confirmation from the end-user before proceeding with the deletion. This is achieved by utilizing an input variable that carries the relevant record information, which is then passed to the flow responsible for executing the deletion.

Implementing this interaction safeguards users against accidental deletions while maintaining a seamless and efficient workflow within the Salesforce App.

STEP 1: Create a flow that will delete a record based on a text variable

STEP 2: create the On Confirm interaction to delete a record

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